
Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Reflections of the year


. I liked the iPads because I liked the games 

.I liked the couch 

.I liked the art


. The points 

.I found the times tables harder 

Next year 

.15 iPads in each class. 

Sunday, 8 November 2015


The Nogard lives in the mans back side. The Nogard lives in the mans back side because it is hairy and ugly and is blue and green and red.his enemy's are ants little ants litter then dust.its teeth is bigger then the mans back side so it biats the mans back side.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Sunday, 28 June 2015


GIN my dog, you have to give her dog food, if you don't feed her she will go and hunt. she hunts for rabbits and pukeko's ,the real food is called meat rolls. She have to  have ten cm or over ten cm of meat rolls, the flavour is beef. She loves her meat rolls so much.

She is a sheep dog, she is black and white. I don't know how old she is, her name is Gin, she run's up and down the drive way. we do fun stuff with her and when we call Gin she will race like a cheetah to us  

Sunday, 7 June 2015

The becinners guide to hunting fishing in newzealand 

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

How does it work

You put your thumb in the circle and then your fingers in the oval. Then you pull it out and then in,to cut the paper or something but don't try it on metal or something herd. A screw holds it together and when you walk with it you hold at the metal. When you are cutting you hold at the rubber.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

A moment in time

I Was on my bike and I felt the wind crashing through my face.
 I heard the cars zooming past my and
I wondered where the bees were going.
 I saw the cows bucking crazy like a dogs tail.
 I wondered if
Was dreaming.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015